Personal Background Verification

Background verification

iGoli Net has a track record of high quality background check and verification of individuals.

Criminal record checks

Employers have become very sensitive to who they employ, due to the constraints that other laws place on them, creating a complicated and time-consuming process to get rid of problem employees, even if they were not forthcoming about their criminal history.

iGoli Net provide up-to-date information about the requirements for legally valid background checks.

We check and verify an individual’s criminal record against the AFIS which is the South African Automated Fingerprint Identification System.

In South Africa, it is a legal requirement that criminal record checks be verified using a digital copy of a person’s fingerprints. AFIS compares this electronically to the records in the South African Police Services fingerprint database.

A 2016 dissertation at the University of South Africa found that AFIS, although it could be improved, is a fast, accurate and valuable system for the identification of fingerprints.

Background checks may reveal facts that indicate an applicant’s historical behaviour to be in conflict with the nature of the position applied for.

Businesses for who the creation of a dedicated department is not feasible, can easily and affordably access the service by using IGoli Net’s mobile services. We come to you and do the necessary.

We provide you with a report reflecting the situation with a “no illicit activity found”, “wanted”, “case awaiting trial” or “conviction status” report.

Qualification Verifications

Verification of Matric/Gr 12 certificate
Tertiary Qualifications, including short courses, certificates, diplomas, degrees.
Membership Verification
Fit and Proper Compliance (FAIS)
National Qualification Register

Credit Checks

Credit bureaus includes, TransUnion, Experian, XDS and Compuscan
Typical Consumer Credit check returns the following information:
Defaults and Judgements (if any)
Notices (eg sequestrations – if any)
Address and job histories
Previous enquiry histories
And several other items

Identity Verification

ID verification – this confirms that the ID number provided is valid and belongs to the name and surname of the individual.
Passport and Citizen checks

Drivers license and Vehicle ownership

Verify if license is authentic, valid or expired. We also verify Professional Drivers Permits and Learners Licenses.