Psychometric Corporate Assessment
We save our clients sleepless nights and money.
By conducting trustworthy and proven psychometric assessments of prospective and existing employees.
“From the assembly line operator or filing clerk, to top management, there is scarcely a type of job for which some kind of psychometric test has not proved helpful in such matters as hiring, job assignment, transfer, promotion, or termination” – Anastasi & Urbina
Psychometric assessments are cost effective tests designed to measure a prospective employee’s suitability for a role.
They identify the extent to which a job applicant’s personality and cognitive abilities match those required to successfully perform a role. Employers use the information collected from our assessments to identify aspects of an applicant or employee’s employability that are difficult to ascertain from an interview.
Our assessments
Our assessments are effective throughout the human resources value chain and have been successfully used in the employee selection process, career development, succession planning and skills audits.
All these tests, questionnaires and tools are often used to formulate questions for the eventual interview with an applicant.
Call Arinda if you need more info or would like to share a coffee with us: 083 538 3246
We use a range of assessment tools which can be used on location.
These include
- Integrity Assessments (IP200 and IMI)
- Personality Assessment (PAW)
- Potential Assessment (COPAS)
- Driver and Security Assessment Profiles (DAP/SAP)